如何回答"What Are Your Salary Expectations?" 您所在的位置:网站首页 how about you用英语怎么回答 如何回答"What Are Your Salary Expectations?"

如何回答"What Are Your Salary Expectations?"

2024-05-24 11:15| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

面试必定会有谈薪的阶段,所以“你的期望薪资是多少”“What Are Your Salary Expectations?”也成为了一个面试必问题。HR问你这个问题一方面是想知道他们能不能用的起你,另一方面又是想看你对自己的价值定位。


首先,你的回答要让HR觉得你的工资要求是灵活的,同时你又了解自己的市场价值。(You are flexible with your salary, but you also know what you are worth)

其次,一定要避免直接回答一个具体的数字,如果HR一定要一个数字,那就给个区间。(Avoid giving a set amount,offer a range)。

以下是一些英文回答例子 (samples):

Although salary is not my primary consideration,I do have to pay the bills,so I would consider any reasonable offer.My salary requirements are flexible, but I do have significant experience in the field that I believe adds value to my candidacy. And I am very open to discussing specific numbers once we have discussed the details of the position.I am open to discussing what you believe to be a fair salary for the position. However, based on my current salary and my knowledge of the industry, I would expect a salary in the general range of 15k to 20k.








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